Carolina Panthers' Myles Hartsfield (#38) visited Link this week and shared the inspirational story with students of his journey to becoming a professional football player. Myles, a defensive back with an amazing record, related his passion for football and told of the obstacles he met along the way. He ultimately was drafted, as a free agent, into the NFL where he is on the starting lineup for the Panthers. He encouraged students to make positive friendships with like-minded people and not be pulled down by those who could stop them from achieving their goals. He also mentioned the importance of persevering, as he did, despite obstacles, no matter how devastating those obstacles might seem in the moment. As part of this presentation, Myles had students write down a goal, and then later, write down the friends and family members who could help them achieve their goals. He told them to fold it up and look back on it as they move through life. Thank you, Myles, for motivating Link’s scholars!