Victoria Windapo, M.A.T.




Dean of Academics
Link Alumna

Victoria Windapo, a Link alumna, teaches 5th Grade ELA at Link. Prior to Link, Victoria taught elementary school in New York City, where she focused on Common Core mastery in math and reading. She has also worked at an investment firm on the client management team, where she served as one of the firm’s representatives to international institutional investors. She worked primarily with clients based in Europe and Africa.

After Link, Victoria graduated from The Lawrenceville School and then received a B.A. in International Relations and a B.A.H. in African and African American Studies as well as a minor in Chinese from Stanford University in California. In 2009 and 2014, she taught in Link’s Summer Academy. Victoria completed her M.A.T. with distinction at Relay Graduate School of Education in New York. She has lived, studied and worked in a number of countries. In addition to her passion for increased access to quality education, she also cares deeply about financial inclusion and helped to start Reach Technologies, a financial technology company based in Lagos, Nigeria.