Discipine System
Link’s Discipline System begins with the expectation that each student uses the Core Values to guide his/her conduct (actions and words) and that each student will reflect on his/her behavior and make the changes necessary for his/her positive growth and development.
Link’s Three-Step Discipline System
Step 1: When a student engages in inappropriate behavior or language, he or she will be given a verbal warning.
Step 2: Upon a second instance, the student will receive a “5-minute timeout” where he/she will reflect silently on the behavior and complete the “Return to Class Form”, as well as meet with the teacher to discuss the incident and strategies that can prevent continued similar behavior. The completed form will be returned to the teacher who will then give it to the Dean of Students.
Step 3: If the behavior continues, the student will be asked to go to the Dean of Student’s office, taking along the Return to Class form. The Dean of Students will determine the appropriate consequences. A Mandatory Student Conference will be held as a follow up.
During the Mandatory Student Conference, the student meets with the teacher and Dean of Students to discuss the incident and develop strategies to prevent unacceptable behavior in the future, the student will complete a Mandatory Student Conference Form to be signed by the parent and returned to school immediately.
If the Mandatory Student Conference is unsuccessful and/or the student continues inappropriate behavior, a Mandatory Parent Conference will be scheduled. The student, Dean of Students, the teacher involved and other staff members may be asked to be present for this meeting with the parents.
Discipline Rubric
Click here to view Link’s Discipline Rubric.
For more information, see the Parent-Student Handbook,