Congratulations to Ms. Marlene Wilson on the 30th anniversary of her employment at Link! Students and staff celebrated with her - with cake, flowers, and cards. Marlene started in the cafeteria at Link on January 3, 1973 when the school was located on Irvine Tuner Boulevard. Ever popular with students and remembered fondly by alumni, "Mama Wilson" has served breakfast and lunch to thousands of Linkers.
Marlene's connection to the school is strong. Four of her 8 children attended Link; two taught at the school for a while, with one serving as the boys' basketball team coach for a number of years. Her parents and two siblings also worked for a time along side her years ago. She has worked with 7 different principals over the years. And, she goes above and beyond by helping out at Link family and other after hours events. We thank you, Mama Wilson, for your commitment to Link and its mission!