Thomas Johnson, Link Class of 2010 donated a podium to Link that he created in Graphic Design class during his senior year at Rutgers University-Newark. His class was tasked with creating art within the theme of “Stood at the Border: Im/migrant Voices & Stories Retold,” wherein students were to develop “individual statements addressing issues of im/migration and belonging. Inspired by American novelist Toni Morrison’s statement, “I stood at the border, stood at the edge and claimed it my central,” the art students conducted research and then demonstrated their findings in art in their own unique media platform. Thomas chose to depict African American history and narrative on vinyl that was wrapped around a podium. The art features line portraits of famous African Americans and organizations. Thomas’s art, and that of his peers, was exhibited at the Project for Empty Spaces gallery in Newark last spring, and then he delivered the piece to Link where has been used for Black Lives Matters week and other school events. Link appreciates both Thomas’ talent and his gift to Link, and wishes his well as he graduates from Rutgers U.